Primary palette
Our primary color palette is made up of three primary colors. Blue, Green and Yellow. Each of them represent NCL as a company - past, present and future.
NCL Blue
- Pantone 534 C
- CMYK: 87% 43% 0% 65%
- RGB: 12 51 89
- HEX: #0C3359
NCL Green
- Pantone 621 C
- CMYK: 16% 0% 8% 7%
- RGB: 198 237 218
NCL Yellow
- Pantone 7548 C
- CMYK: 0% 19% 100% 0%
- RGB: 255 207 0
- HEX: #FFCF00
- Pantone 7548 C
- CMYK: 100% 100% 100% 100%
- RGB: 255 255 255
Secondary palette
NCL Green 2
- Pantone X
- RGB: 198 237 218
- HEX: #3b9e63
NCL Green 3
- Pantone X
- RGB: 198 237 218
- HEX: #ACE5C5
NCL Green 4
- Pantone X
- RGB: 198 237 218
- HEX: #eff4f1
Technical usage
There are various color systems for different outputs, and the production of physical colors and display of color in digital channels uses different technology. The biggest difference is between screen colors and analogue colors.
For printed material, use the Pantone (PMS) colors to get the most accurate colors. For print in standard colors, use CMYK.
When working with colors for digital media and outputs on screen, use RGB or HEX.
Contextual usage
How much of each color to use is all about context. The chart below visualize the recommended amount of each color based on type of channel.
These guidelines follow the same principles as the NCL logotype: In our own channels (website) where one could expect that people already know who we are, we use less yellow and more light colors for a more sophisticated look. However, in external channels (advertising) where we must build brand awerness and compete for attention we should use a wider range of colors.